Giving blood and health benefits! Side Effects, Advantages, and More Overview

Giving blood and health benefits! Benefits of Donating Blood: Side Effects, Advantages, and More. Check the article and do that and keep your health.

Giving blood and health benefits! Side Effects, Advantages, and More Overview

Giving blood urgently or urgently is an important task.

Normally, giving blood twice a year, at least three months apart is a good practice (if a man can give blood four times a year).

* Many people in the world donate blood in cases of serious illness or urgent injuries that have lost a lot of blood, which in turn saves a human life.

* Therapists say that a person who donates blood does not meet the needs of the other party, but saves himself from various diseases.

* Doctors say; In one unit (450 ml) of blood, a person burns 650 calories of energy. Blood donation also saves a person from various heart diseases.

* Because doctors have theoretically experienced that the amount of iron in the blood increases the risk of heart disease. Because iron plays an important role in raising cholesterol, it damages the arteries of the heart and causes heart disease.

* With the blood of adults, it feels strong and fresh. Doctors also say that giving blood to a person prevents cancer.
* Scientists say; In one milliliter of blood is 5 billion red blood cells, 200 million blood cells, and from 5 to 10 million white blood cells. In the same way, in the case of blood donation, not only blood comes out of the human being, but also the extra cells of the blood, and as a result, the amount of iron in the body of the person who donated blood decreases.

Let's be clear about who can donate blood and who can not.

* Blood should not be a child and a big loss of the year.
Accordingly, the personal life of a blood donor should be between 18 and 60 years.
* A person donating blood should weigh 50 kg.
If he has lung diseases, rheumatism, and heart disease, he should refrain from bleeding.
* Also, a person with cancer, AIDS, pollen, sugar should not give blood.
* Those who have shortness of breath for a long time, or have died, or have a nose, or have persistent skin diseases, should refrain from bleeding.
Similarly, jaundice, pregnant woman, severe malaria, up to 6 months after major surgery, which person bleeds 6 months later. Alcohol and drug addicts and those with severe stomach ailments should refrain from bleeding.
* Giving blood can cause some life-threatening diseases. And it is possible for a blood donor to become dizzy and in some cases weak. That is why he gives food and drink to those who donate blood.
* Doctors say that after donating blood, blood flow returns to normal 20 minutes later. Also, the lost blood fluid acquires blood fluid 24 hours after giving blood and 48 hours later the blood protein is purified.

* In the same way, 2 weeks later, the lost spheres are purified. And from 8 to 12 weeks later, iron levels return to normal in men, and in women, it may take up to 16 weeks.

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